How to Stop Online Sexual Predators

Online sexual predators are a silent, but deadly problem for the youth in our great nation these days. They linger and stalk behind keyboards and monitors looking for the perfect victim to entice into their traps so they can attack. They use sweet words and manipulative lies that children that are looking for attention can’t resist. Although it seems virtually impossible to stop this kind of threat, there are ways. All you have to do is pay attention and know the facts.

Have an Open Dialogue With Your Children

Communication is a key factor when it comes to safety. If you don’t allow your children to talk to you and be honest about what they are doing you could be putting them at risk. If they are afraid to approach you with new information, they may never tell you about a new person that they meet. Make it a point to check in with your kids and see what is going on in their lives.

Stay Informed About Convicted Sex Offenders

It is a vast world out there, but the more you know the better off you can be when it comes to keeping your kids out of danger. There is an organization known as Kids Live Safe that provides up-to-date, detailed information regarding sex offenders and other criminals. You can run searches to find where sex offenders are located within a specified area. When it comes to child safety you can never do too much to prevent tragedies from happening. Kids Live Safe offers a great alert system that keeps parents and concerned citizens updated when sex offenders move near them. Having information, and staying informed are two crucial weapons in the war against sexual predators.

Have Access to Detailed Information

Kids Live Safe provides access to detailed public information. It doesn’t stop with sex offender data. Tons of arrest and conviction information is available within the databases and will be at your disposal. If there were any recorded sex offenses, criminal activities, drunken escapades, or whatever else the person could go to court for you would know. Public records are a mixture of transactions and events that have been recorded. This means that information that is available regarding a person, or business is most likely stored in the databases. All public information is available to whoever asks for it unless specifically stated otherwise by law. Your search could contain information like:

  • Crimes
  • Sex Offenses
  • Arrests
  • Charges
  • Addresses
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Social Media Profiles
  • Relatives
  • Associates
  • Financial History
  • Employers
  • Affiliations
  • Aliases

Keep Kids Safe From Sexual Predators

The Kids Live Safe movement was sparked by the story of Megan Kanka. She was a 7-year-old little girl who was brutally raped and murdered by a neighbor. The neighbor was a convicted child molester that had moved into the neighborhood undetected. Nobody knew he was there. Horrific events can be avoided simply by knowing facts. If the neighborhood was aware that the pedophile was there in the first place, Megan could still be alive today.

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