Performing A Background Check While On A Date

Performing A Background Check While On A Date

While everyone has had bad dates, occasionally we all go out with someone who’s just off. Maybe it’s how they keep glancing at the door, or that they seem really dodgy about their past, but somethings wrong. While all this could be chalked up to quirks in their personality, it’s pretty difficult to get a good gauge on someone during a first date. That’s where SpyFly comes in.

SpyFly is an online public records database. That means they possess billions of U.S. documents, which can be utilized to perform a quick background check on someone you’re getting dinner with. All you need is their full name, and the state you’re in, and you should be able to find public records immediately.

Now, it can be a little difficult to get access to a computer while on a date. Luckily, SpyFly is accessible from mobile. Simply make a trip to the background, and begin digging.

Another concern about background checks may be one of confidentiality. It can be a pretty uncharismatic move to reveal that you’re suspicious of someone’s past. Luckily, SpyFly does not notify the person you’re investigating. This means you can be completely anonymous while you’re searching, and feel confident that if nothing turns up, the date won’t necessarily tank.

Now, What Kinds Of Public Records Will Spyfly Turn Up?

For starters, they’ll provide you with access to any mugshots, as well as arrest records for the person you’re searching for. In the arrest record, you can find information related to any crime committed, as well as if they possess any outstanding arrest warrants. What you do with that information is up to you, but it may be prudent to investigate further. Do note that an arrest record does not contain any proof of guilt, simply suspicion.

A criminal record, however, is proof of guilt. These will contain any convictions made for the person you’re investigating, as well as the punishment allotted. This is super useful. IF someone did ten years of hard time for homicide, you probably want to be careful on your date with them.

SpyFly can  also supply you with driving records. While those may seem innocuous, they can be important for a first date as well. For instance, if your date has seven DUI’s, don’t let them drive you home.

***SpyFly provides consumers affordable, immediate access to public record information. Federal laws prohibit businesses from using SpyFly’s service to make decisions about employment, insurance, consumer credit, tenant screening, or for any other purpose subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq.***

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